To say that I have let this sweet little website go to
almost shit is an
almost truth. The whirlwind of the year I had last year tore me away from my bee-loved cyber situation, in a way I did not see coming. Many times I sat down diligently to update and sprinkle words, but the behemoth invisible computer lords yelled a giant Hell To The NO! My computer inexplicably shut down, shut off, shut me out, erased hours worth of updating, blah blah blahty blah.
Tapping the keg again, though.
My last days involved journey floated me up the Cali coast to Monterey with exquisite stops in Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo, Cayucos and a few points inbetwixt. I drank wine, devoured bombastic foods, revisited my Grandma Betty's home turf, made some new friends along the way and watered the seed in me thats been planted since I was a wee pain in the ass.
Sitting at
Eberle winery as the sun was waving goody-bye. I stared out into the fields and rows and flows of vineyards dusk-dreaming of swimming in a vat of purple goodness.

One of my favorite drives meandering and rolling along Highway 46, dotted with enchanting wineries. Purple precious vats anyone?

Just arrived in Monterey here. I took this picture because intrigue sparked in me regarding this here funky regtangular window sans screen. As a young lass, I was told the story of this kind of window... I grappled to find the name of this window and everytime I looked at it I scanned my memory banks, but the word stayed in elusive-ville. Last day there as I was packing I rammed the shit out of my head on the corner...yes, look at that thick corner. Little birds flew around my cranium and the tears came. The name you ask? Widows Walk. Hmmmm, is it because women whose husbands were at sea stared longingly out to vast ocean waiting and hoping for thier seafaring husbands to return OR is it named for the widows peak on your forehead that you are sure to smash into the corner whilst moving about?

Ah, yes, magic. Sun peppered, fog stroked and relaxing. Framed by wise trees.

In Carmel-by-the-Sea there resides a splendid
cheese shop that just about tore my shoes off. Seriously, I almost ripped my cute ass shoes off in a fit of joy. Cheese people. Lactose intolerant you say? Suck it up and eat some cheese.

Little brown jug, don't I love thee......Oh, you too bread rind filled with creamy goodness.
Martine Inn. Slices and slices of heaven wrapped up in a majestic bed and breakfast.

Stick me in a library-one with a piano and chaise lounges at that-and call it a done done done day. Glowy.

Monterey Bay. Cool, grey and teeming with sealife...sharks? Not a toe in that water. Not even a pinkie.

This has nothing to do with Monterey, I just like the picture.